More than 30 years in a few words
Our company, called Novocoop Kft was founded in 1989 as a cooperative society. Within the plastic processing our main profile is injection molding, pressing and vacuum-forming. Since 2000 we have been operating as a limited liability company. Our company is absolutely Hungarian owned.
Our main profile is injection molding of thermoplasts, within this, the processing of technical plastics. In addition we process plastic sheets by vacuum-forming, and thermosets by pressing, injection molding, plastic components by water and organic solvent based painting, tampon-impression and hot pressing.
More than 70% of our overall production comes from injection mounding of thermosets and the other part contains all of the different technologies.
We make efforts to offer the best quality and flexibility for our customers in the field of plastic processing by following our customers demands and the rapidly changing market conditions. Therefore, we are continuously expanding and refreshing our machine park.
In addition we can help for our customers in prototyping and tooling. With our knowledge and experience, you can contact us whit trust in any questions of the production or product development.